2020 Integrated Report

Driving Progress

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Driving progress: AXA's vision in 8 quotes

Understanding 2020 in 10 trends

Protecting and acting: AXA's actions in 3 points of view

Health. How can AXA meet growing global healthcare needs?

By Tracy Garrad, CEO of AXA Health and Didier Weckner, Deputy CEO of AXA France, in charge of health and employee benefits

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Customers. How can we simplify and improve access to our services for our customers?

By AXA Next and Patrick Cohen, ex-CEO of AXA Italy, CEO of AXA France, since May 3, 2021

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Climate. How can we accelerate the transition to address the climate emergency?

By Gilles Moëc, Group Chief Economist, Head of Research at AXA IM and Renaud Guidée, Group Chief Risk Officer

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Measuring our impact

12 key indicators

€97bn revenues in 2020€97bn revenues in 2020
€1.43 dividend per share€1.43 dividend per share
200% Solvency II ratio200% Solvency II ratio
Who are our 153,400 employees?Who are our 153,400 employees?
A target of 50% women in top senior executives by 2023A target of 50% women in top senior executives by 2023
5-fold increase in e-NPS between 2018 and 20205-fold increase in e-NPS between 2018 and 2020
€1.5bn dedicated to Covid-19 claims and solidarity actions in 2020€1.5bn dedicated to Covid-19 claims and solidarity actions in 2020
500,000 telemedicine consultations in 2020500,000 telemedicine consultations in 2020
94% of AXA entities have a NPS higher than their market average94% of AXA entities have a NPS higher than their market average
€16bn Green Investments at the end of 2020€16bn Green Investments at the end of 2020
€200M in transition bonds between 2019 and 2020€200M in transition bonds between 2019 and 2020
-38% CO2 emissions per employee between 2012 and 2020-38% CO2 emissions per employee between 2012 and 2020