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Bettina Cramm



Director representing the employees

German Nationality

Mandate and number of AXA shares

  • Appointed on April 28, 2022 – Term expires at the 2026 Shareholders’ Meeting
  • First appointment on June 20, 2018
  • Member of the AXA Compensation, Governance & Sustainability Committee
  • Number of AXA shares held on December 31, 2023: 2,625*

Expertise and experience

Mrs. Bettina Cramm is a graduated Medical Educator from the Martin-Luther University (Halle/Saale – Germany). She started her career in 1984 as a Medical Technical Assistant at the German Klinik of Diagnostik of Wiesbaden (Germany). In 1991, she joined German-Civil-Servants-Insurance (DBV), known today as AXA Konzern AG. From 1991 to 1994, she was Power Clerk General Private Health Insurance at DBV and from 1994 to 2002, Operational Paramedic at DBV-Winterthur Wiesbaden. From 2002 to 2007, Mrs. Bettina Cramm was a Healthcare Consultant at DBV-Winterthur. In 1995, she joined the Works Council at DBV-Winterthur and was a member of the Supervisory Board of DBV-Winterthur Health Insurance (2006-2008), member of the Supervisory Board of DBV Vermittlungsgesellschaft für Versicherungen und Vermögensbildung mbH (2007-2008). From 2008 to 2013, and since her appointment as a director in 2018, she is responsible for the prevention and health promotion at the company medical service at AXA Konzern AG. From 2013 to June 2018, Mrs. Bettina Cramm held various functions as member of the Works Council, Central Works Council, European Works Council and their commissions and member of Supervisory Boards of AXA entities in Germany. From May 2017 to April 2022, she was a member of the Supervisory Board of AXA Konzern AG. In June 2018, Mrs. Bettina Cramm was appointed member of the Board of Directors of AXA representing the employees.

Mandate held within the AXA Group

  • Director representing the employees: AXA

Mandate held outside the AXA Group


Mandate held during the last five years

  • Member of the Supervisory Board: AXA Konzern AG (Germany)
*The holding of AXA shares by directors representing the employees is not mandatory.