AXA’s business model is a system creating short-term, medium-term and long-term value, as we consider the risks and opportunities of our activities.
AXA’s business model is a system creating short-term, medium-term and long-term value, as we consider the risks and opportunities of our activities.
Creating long term value means anticipating risks that could threaten our development and that of our customers, while capitalizing on the new opportunities offered by the changing world. Each year, AXA conducts a survey among its internal and external stakeholders to assess the material risks and issues that might have impact on its business in short, medium and long term. In 2016, 912 participants from 54 countries took part in this exercise. These responses were categorized and hierarchized along two axes: the relevance of the risk and opportunity according to the AXA Respondents and according to the external stakeholders. Conducted by the Group Risk Management department, it aims at identifying the top 10 emerging risks with the highest impact on the society at large in the next 5 to 10 years.
Further, in line with our decision to move towards Integrated Reporting, exercise such as above, enables AXA promote integrated thinking and decision making which is based on the information that is broader, more interconnected and more forward-looking than traditional Business as Usual analysis. Such an integrated approach also helps us effectively address future risks and opportunities while managing our operations efficiently. It enables us to create a holistic view of our financial and non-financial performance as well as provides the better understanding of the value we can create both for our shareholders as well as our stakeholders.