The AXA shareholders Magazine, periodic newsletters and email alerts for major Group announcements and Circle events.
As a member of the AXA Shareholders' Circle, you will benefit from a close relationship with the Group and exclusive advantages.
The AXA shareholders Magazine, periodic newsletters and email alerts for major Group announcements and Circle events.
Privileged access to meetings organized by AXA: information meetings, cultural and theme conferences.
Special conditions on AXA Millésimes wines.
AXA shareholders, relive the year 2022 in video with us.
Do you wish to join our Shareholders’ Circle and be regularly informed of all our communications and events that are organized all year long?
Sign up: Join AXA’s Shareholders Circle | AXA
You receive the AXA Shareholders Magazine, periodic newsletters and email alerts for major Group announcements and Circle events.
You are invited to all our events: information meetings, shareholders events and theme conferences with AXA experts.
You are invited to private guided tours of museums and/or cultural e-conferences and you get special rates for fine wine from AXA Millésimes.
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+33 (0)1 40 75 48 43
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