September 17, 2019

AXA is the third most responsible insurer in 2019

We are proud to have improved our score in the DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Index) and to be now ranked third in the insurance industry.

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In 2019, AXA’s overall score reached 83%, increasing by four points since 2018. As a result, our ranking within the insurance sector has moved up from 5th in 2018 to 3rd this year. Furthermore, we have made progress in all of the indices of the ranking: +3 points in Economic, +4 in Social and +10 in Environment.

Thomas Buberl

Chief Executive Officer of AXA

AXA has moved up 2 places in the DJSI ranking, which proves that our proactive CSR strategy around 3 reaffirmed priorities, namely the climate change, health and social inclusion, is taking us forward.

Céline Soubranne

Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer

Our 2-place increase in the DJSI ranking shows that, at AXA, we truly integrate CSR throughout the value chain, by mobilizing all professional families such as HR, tax transparency and our overall environmental footprint.

Developed jointly by RobecoSAM and S&P Dow Jones Indices, the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index features only global sustainability leaders. The purpose of this index is to track and rank the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide, based on an analysis of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. It is recognized globally as a unique reference point in the field of sustainability. AXA has been included in the DJSI Index since 2007.

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