June 15, 2020

AXA launches a partnership with WWF France to accelerate the integration of biodiversity to its activities

Over the past 50 years, the rate of destruction of the natural world has increased considerably. The deterioration of natural ecosystems has major repercussions for economic prosperity. Biodiversity is a logical extension of AXA's climate commitments and the next frontier of sustainable financing.

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As an extension of AXA’s health insurance business, the company has made a three-year commitment, alongside the World Wide Fund for Nature France, to transform insurance and asset management into a sector that takes greater account of biodiversity in the strategies of public and private stakeholders and thus contributes to protecting and restoring ecosystems.

Thomas Buberl

Chief Executive Officer of AXA

As a company that, over the past five years, has taken important decisions in the fight against global warming, we are convinced that the preservation of biodiversity requires an equal collective commitment from all stakeholders: private sector actors, including financial institutions, governments, NGOs and civil society.

Integrating nature into investment strategies

In May 2019, WWF and AXA joined forces to submit "Into the Wild" – a report on integrating biodiversity into investment strategies – to the G7 Environment Group.

Thanks to this collaboration with WWF France, it was possible to study the impact of biodiversity loss on society and identify actions we can take as an insurer and an investor.

Developing and strengthening AXA's commitment to biodiversity

The partnership with WWF France has several objectives:

  • To bring the recommendations of the Into the Wild report to public and private stakeholders in order to make commitments to reverse the curve of biodiversity loss and lead to the creation of a Task Force on Nature Impact Disclosures;
  • To integrate biodiversity preservation into AXA's activities and implement environmental commitments such as the ratification of the UN PSI-WWF pledge on World Heritage Sites, an initiative led by the United Nations and WWF.

In addition to this partnership, WWF France and AXA are working together to identify the levers on which it is already possible to act: reducing financial flows to the activities that have the greatest adverse impact on biodiversity and increasing financial flows to innovative solutions and models, aligned with global limits and the demand for strong sustainability of economic activities.

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