September 8, 2016
Since 2006, AXA has improved its score in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. From 62/100 in 2006, its score has reached 85/100 in 2016. A great reward for AXA’s sustainability initiatives implemented across the Group.
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In 2016, AXA is ahead of 95% of its industry peers (with a score of 85/100), and significantly above the sector average which confirms its inclusion in the DJSI World
and Europe
Developed jointly by RobecoSAM and S & P Dow Jones Indices*, the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index series feature only global sustainability leaders. The purpose of these indices is to track and rank the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide, based on an analysis of financially material Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. They are recognized globally as a unique reference point in the field of sustainability.
AXA's score improved in the environmental and social dimensions of the RobecoSAM questionnaire and remained flat in the economic dimension. Among these, the following can be highlighted:
Great Global Adventure, a recruitment online game and on advanced long-term policies like the promotion of diversity and inclusion at AXA.
Christian Thimann
Former AXA Group head of strategy, sustainability & public affairs
This score reflects that, since 2010, the AXA Group has made significant progress in terms of Corporate Responsibility, having moved from introducing the concept for the first time in 2010, to fully integrating CR within the Group’s broader strategy. In 2016, for the first time, AXA’s DJSI performance has been integrated in the calculation of Long Term Incentives (Performance Shares).
AXA local entities' progress is also measured and encouraged with the help of an internal tool, itself adapted from the RobecoSAM methodology. AXA's approach to integrating long term environmental, social and governance factors into its business is based on detailed performance indicators reviewed every year by each and every local entity. This process and its results are fully disclosed in the 2015 Activity and Corporate Responsibility report.
Besides the DJSI, AXA is also present in other ESG Indices: FTSE4 Good, Euronext Vigeo (World 120, Europe 120, Eurozone 120, France 20, Ethibel Sustainability), MSCI, Oekom, Sustainalytics and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).