November 16, 2023

AXA is committed to valuing and supporting its employees over the age of 50

AXA announces the signature of a Charter and its 10 commitments aimed at enhancing the role and place of employees over the age of 50 in the company.

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At AXA, we know that the employment of people over 50 years of age requires special attention. For a number of years, the Group has been a pioneer in inclusion and diversity, which are fundamental levers for growth, fulfilment and loyalty for its employees. 

In 2035, it is estimated that 50% of the population of Europe will be over 45, and 70% of the open positions do not yet exist today*. As careers lengthen, we are committed to investing in the training and employability of our people, while creating a supportive environment where everyone feels respected and supported at work and can reach their highest potential.

The diversity in the age pyramid of our employees is an asset, and collaboration between these generations add value for both the employees and the company. To take its support even further, the AXA Group signed today with the European Works Council a Charter of 10 commitments aimed at enhancing the role and place of employees over the age of 50 in the company. It is inspired by the Club Landoy Charter, adopted by AXA France in June 2023, and includes the same commitments at Group level, from January 1st, 2024.

Thomas Buberl

Chief Executive Officer of AXA

I am convinced that our employees, whatever their age, should have the same opportunities for development throughout their careers. That's why we have taken this initiative, which is consistent with our human resources strategy, which aims for ever greater inclusion and diversity. Naturally, it also strengthens the potential for commitment and loyalty among our employees.

The Charter will be implemented gradually between 2024 and 2026. Each Group entity will be responsible for the operational implementation of the principles contained in this Charter with regard to local practices, legislation and regulations, and more specifically in terms of personal data protection.

Our 10 commitments from the Club Landoy Charter

  1. Communicate the commitments made in this document to all employees and managers. Raise awareness of the importance of living well together, of the power of intergenerational relations and of the need to combat age-related stereotypes in line with corporate values.
  2. To act with kindness and respect towards all our employees, throughout their professional careers, whatever their age.
  3. Support the development of skills and encourage employees to commit to actions designed to enhance their employability and open up new career prospects.
  4. Recruit people at all stages of their careers, offering opportunities throughout their working lives to enable everyone to work in an inclusive environment right up to retirement.
  5. Encourage the transmission of knowledge and the sharing of experience between generations by setting up dedicated systems.
  6. Valuing experienced employees, highlighting inspiring career paths and role models to change perceptions of ageism.
  7. Offer tailored, individualized support for health and well-being in the workplace throughout an employee's career.
  8. Accompany and support employees who are caregivers.
  9. Give special attention to preparing and supporting employees when they retire (transition arrangements). At the time of departure, thank employees by celebrating and acknowledging their careers.
  10. After departure, for those who wish to do so, the company can offer to maintain links, notably through Alumnis, or encourage associative involvement.
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