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November 30, 2021

AXA strengthens its Health & Well-being Program for employees

AXA Group extends its global program which aims at improving the health and well-being of its teams.

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As a responsible company and a leader in health insurance, AXA commits to ensure a fair treatment for all its employees globally when it comes to health. For this reason, the Group launched in November 2020, a global program to improve its employees’ mental and physical health. Named “Healthy You”, this program is now upgraded with four new services, that should be implemented by the end of 2023, which includes:

  • A second medical opinion in case of critical illnesses which consists of an in-depth medical analysis from medical experts to ensure patients get the best recommendations.
  • A cancer coverage made up of three components:
    o A financial support with a minimum coverage of 75% of cancer-related medical expenses*. This is a real leap for countries where public health coverage remains very low.
    o A psychological support to further assist employees in very difficult moments
    o An informative support with, in one single place, all information needed: from benefits, services and entitlements available in their country
  • Online information to raise awareness on health and well-being topics.
  • A 24/7 access to teleconsultation service, which is already available in 70% of AXA entities and will be extended to the whole Group in the next months.

These services complete the current Healthy You program offering, launched a year ago, which already provides employees with:

  • A complete digital and physical health check-up depending on employees’ age, which has benefited to 33,000 people in 49 countries so far
  • Access to an annual flu vaccine
  • Access to information and awareness sessions on health risks prevention, called “Health Days
  • A psychological support through an employee assistance program available at any time

Karima Silvent

Group Chief Human Resources Officer

With the Covid-19 crisis, protecting people’s health becomes an absolute priority at AXA. In order to preserve the good physical and mental health of our people, and to ensure a fair treatment across the Group, we launch the second chapter of our Healthy You Program. One of our objectives is notably to strengthen the coverage of medical expenses related to cancer, which is among the most common chronic diseases in the world; and to compensate the low coverage of cancer treatment in certain countries. I would like to thank our social partners of the AXA European Working Council for our joint commitment.

* Considering the coverage already provided by the national health system and existing occupational schemes, as well as local cost practice. A ceiling expressed in amount can be defined according to local practices and insurance solutions and a maximum reimbursement rate for experimental treatments can be introduced.

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