July 26, 2016

CR Week 2016: Again a success

The sixth edition of Corporate Responsibility (CR) Week, which took place last May, brought together over 54,000 participants for local, concrete actions on the theme of risk prevention.

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Every year, for six years now, AXA Group employees have come together for one week to participate in actions around their commitment to solidarity. CR week has become a key event for the Group's employees and an international benchmark for employee engagement.

This year, a single watchword: prevention. Prevention is at the heart of our business and remains a fundamental concern for AXA. Group employees addressed a wide range of climate, financial and health risks through local actions that were as numerous as they were diverse: from tree planting, blood donations and solidarity races to an introductory finance course for Indonesian high school students and asset management courses in Italy and Bahrain.

In total, 54,136 Group employees, including 483 senior executives, participated in these actions in 45 countries.

Climbing for health in Japan and planting trees in Mexico
AXA employees in Portugal and in Untung Jawa island, Indonesia, to raise awareness on climate, health and financial risks

An international challenge for prevention

An international challenge was also set up to invite Group employees as well as external participants to answer questions around the theme of prevention. Right answers were rewarded with "boosts," and participants could redistribute them to three projects supported by the NGO CARE.

322,437 boosts were generated by 3,582 participants in 41 countries. The Indian project, which supports the use of improved, safe domestic ovens in rural Indian areas, received the most boots. The project's financing needs will therefore be entirely covered by AXA.

The project that took second place offered to finance a center for handicapped children in Rumania; it will receive funding of €75K from the Group.

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