March 29, 2016

How to become the top insurance company investment chosen by responsible investors

AXA is the preferred insurance company investment for socially responsible investors. It is also their 6th favorite investment, all industries combined. Find out what’s behind this stellar success.

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IPREO’s SRI Leaders ranking distinguishes the favorite companies in which socially responsible funds invest. IPREO, is a financial data analyst and records the number of investments made and the amounts invested by these funds.

AXA came in 6th place, all industries combined, and is the highest-ranking of all insurance companies. AXA attracted 140 investments from these specialized funds. As of the date of publication of the report, 3.8% of AXA’s outstanding shares were held by SRI (socially responsible investment) funds.

Long-term investors that trust AXA’s socially responsible strategy

The ranking shows that SRI investors are confident in the quality and coherence of the measures taken by the Group to become a more responsible company. The Group’s initiatives have already been rewarded by an excellent performance in the best-known SRI rankings.

Investors, SRI rating agencies and ethical indexes alike consistently highlight various AXA initiatives such as:

  • The incorporation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into AXA’s risk management, underwriting directives and global investment strategy, which include emerging risks;
  • The Group’s recent commitments to fight climate change, in particular by divesting coal assets held on its own behalf and by tripling its green investments between now and 2020;
  • Innovations promoted by the Group in the digital and data privacy fields;
  • AXA’s steps to promote financial inclusion, in particular in microinsurance aiming to develop a stronger middle class, in wollaboration with local, regional and international partners in emerging markets;
  • The Group’s fiscal transparency;
  • The Group’s commitment to attracting, retaining and training talented people and its efforts to foster an open and inclusive work environment;
  • The attention paid to supply chain management, especially selecting suppliers, managing risks related to outsourcing, and auditing social and environmental risks.

SRI investors are an important investment base for AXA, especially because they tend to be long-term investors and incite the Group to innovate and better take into account certain long term risks and opportunities.

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