August 4, 2016

IT Digital Show & Share: Don't reinvent the wheel!

Since December 2014, AXA has organized a twice-yearly event aimed at sharing solutions and projects developed by its entities around the world. This initiative is particularly well-received in a global company like AXA, where 165,000 employees in 363 entities and 64 countries work on common subjects.

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Henri de Castries

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of AXA (2000-2016)

We’re not in school anymore. Sharing is not cheating – it’s scaling.

Henri de Castries clearly emphasizes the goal of the IT Digital Show & Share gatherings: to develop a spirit of sharing and recycling that enables our professional families to reuse what’s already being implemented by their peers on the other side of the world.

These events have been increasingly successful. Nine entities and 200 people participated in our first edition in December 2014. Those figures climbed to 28 entities and 759 participants for the most recent edition, held on July 1st, 2016 in Paris, where more than one hundred projects relating to the Group’s digital transformation were shared. Discover the video:

An online platform, the AXA Asset Repository, was created to group together and index all solutions developed by AXA. Accessible Group-wide, it allows employees to view the solutions’ technical details and also contribute their own.

From exchanging working methods to presenting innovative mobile applications, the IT Digital Show & Share is more than a simple in-house event dedicated to the IT community. It’s a participative platform open to all AXA professional families, whose ambition is to develop a strong culture of tool- and knowledge-sharing within the Group.

The event is also in line with a “bottom-up” working logic, meaning projects are initiated and carried out by the operational teams themselves in response to issues that impact them directly.

The IT Digital Show & Share is a fantastic opportunity to not only spotlight the work accomplished by our operational teams, but also to meet and exchange with peers in different countries, and to see how much the recycling “reflex” truly benefits the entire Group.

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