Press Release
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January 19, 2021
published at 8:45 AM CET
AXA announces today the extension of its smart working strategy to all of its entities worldwide. This strategy aims to implement a hybrid way of working, combining remote work and office presence by enabling employees on a voluntary basis to work remotely with two days as a general guide.
These principles will be deployed by 2023. They will be applied by the end of this year in the major entities employing over 70% of AXA employees. The program will include change management and training measures, adaptation of workspaces and provision of IT equipment. Particular attention will be paid to the autonomy and responsibility of teams, and to the cohesion and well-being of employees. Smart working will not preclude eligible employees to work full time in office if they want to or need to depending on the specificity of their job.
This decision is based on the successful implementation of remote working – with 38% of employees regularly working from home prior to the crisis, and 90% of them wishing to increase the practice of remote working in the future – as well as on the experience gained during the Covid-19 health crisis during which full remote working guaranteed operational continuity.
Karima Silvent
Group Chief Human Resources Officer
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a tipping point in our working methods. Continued investments in our digital transformation made it possible to massively recourse to remote working during the crisis, which confirmed the resilience of our organization in an unprecedented context. Moreover, this crisis has reminded us of the importance of having places in which we can meet and work together.
By extending our smart working strategy, we want to adapt our organization to the post-Covid era and offer our employees a balanced framework that combines the flexibility of remote work, while keeping the office as an important anchor for social interactions and community building. This is a new step in our overall ambition to become one of the best companies to work for.
Investor Relations team
Axa Media Relations