Press Release
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May 24, 2018
published at 6:00 PM CEST
During its meeting held on Thursday, May 24, 2018, AXA’s Board of Directors acknowledged the resignation of Mrs. Deanna Oppenheimer from the Board as she wishes to devote more time to her new role as Chairman of Hargreaves Lansdown PLC which she assumed in February 2018.
The Board of Directors, following the recommendation of its Compensation & Governance Committee, decided to coopt Ms. Elaine Sarsynski to the Board with immediate effect for the remainder of Mrs. Deanna Oppenheimer’s mandate, i.e. until the Shareholders’ Meeting called upon to approve the financial statements of the 2020 fiscal year. Ratification of her appointment will be proposed at the next Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Board of Directors chose Ms. Elaine Sarsynski, who is a US citizen and has over 30 years of experience in the financial sector. She notably spent twelve years in the executive management team of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Denis Duverne
Chairman of the Board of Directors of AXA (2016-2022)
On behalf of AXA’s Board of Directors, I would like to address our warmest thanks to Deanna Oppenheimer for her contribution to the work of the Board of Directors and its Compensation & Governance Committee over the past five years. Her knowledge of the financial sector, particularly in distribution and marketing, has been a key element of AXA’s development in the last few years. I would also like to warmly welcome Elaine Sarsynski to our Board.
Investor Relations team
Axa Media Relations