Press Release
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February 21, 2020
published at 10:00 AM CET
AXA announces the publication of the resolutions to be proposed by its Board of Directors to the next Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on April 30, 2020 at 2:30 pm at the Palais des Congrès in Paris (75017) in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires.
In addition to an increase of the dividend of 7% (to €1.43*), shareholders will notably be asked to approve the following resolutions:
Denis Duverne
Chairman of the Board of Directors of AXA (2016-2022)
On behalf of the Board of Directors of AXA, I would like to address our warmest thanks to François Martineau for his contribution to the work of the Supervisory Board and then to the Board of Directors over the past 12 years. His experience, his knowledge of the Group and his strong involvement in the Board’s work have been instrumental to AXA’s development.
I would also like to thank Irene Dorner for the important role she played during her four years as member of the Board of Directors and more specifically for the financial services expertise she brought to the Audit Committee. Irene will soon be taking over the chairmanship of a FTSE company and therefore decided not to seek the renewal of her directorship at AXA. I wish her all the best in her new responsibilities.
Investor Relations team
Axa Media Relations