Press Release
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September 1, 2016
published at 6:00 PM CEST
During its meeting held today, and following Henri de Castries’s decision to step down from the Board of Directors as announced on the 21st of March 20161, AXA’s Board of Directors has:
These appointments are effective as of today.
Denis Duverne
Chairman of the Board of Directors of AXA (2016-2022)
I am very honored by the confidence that AXA’s Board of Directors has placed in me in this new role and I look forward to pursuing a very effective and open management of our Board. I am fully committed to support Thomas Buberl, our new CEO, in the implementation of the Group's strategy. On behalf of all the AXA Group’s employees, I would like once again to very warmly thank Henri de Castries for all he has achieved and brought to AXA over the years. On a personal note, I would also like to thank him for his invaluable advice and friendship we have built over the years.
AXA also announced today the composition of a new Partners group that will be the successor of the Group’s Executive Committee. The Partners group will be composed of the Group’s Management Committee members plus 30 other senior executives from across the Group. This new group will meet quarterly to review the development and implementation of key strategic initiatives in the context of Ambition 2020.
Thomas Buberl
Chief Executive Officer of AXA
This is a great privilege for me to lead AXA, and I would like to thank the Board of Directors for their trust. I am committed to deliver on our Ambition 2020 strategic plan with the support of all of our employees and take-up these future challenges with enthusiasm. The quality and depth of our talent pools is one of our greatest assets, and I am very proud to see the constitution of this Partners group, with such a talented array of senior executives from across the Group. They will bring their experience and vision to support the Management Committee and contribute to lead AXA towards a new phase of its development focused on transformation of the customer experience and our business model.
A complete list of the members of the Partners group is available here:
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