2024 Mind Health Report

Mind Your Health in the workplace

32% of the population

32% of the population

32% of the population are living with mind health conditions.

3 out of 4 people

3 out of 4 people

3 out of 4 people are experiencing tiredness, trouble sleeping, or stress, because of work.

Nearly 23%

Nearly 23%

Nearly 23% of employees have taken sick leave due to mind health challenges over the last 12 months.


Our Mind Health Index and study is a tool for assessing and promoting mind health. It provides a way of gauging people’s current mental state and, for those who aren’t doing so well, identifies steps they can take that may help them improve. Further, it allows us to plot fluctuations in mind health over time.

“Health and wellbeing are at the heart of our insurance business and are also key commitments for us as a responsible employer. The 4th edition of the AXA Mind Health Report highlights a clear business case for caring for employees’ mental health.”

Patrick Cohen

Head of Europe and Health, Member of AXA’s Management Committee.

The Mind Health States

Our index looks at what positive or negative emotions people are experiencing and the impact these are having on their state of mind. The index then places people in one of four categories – from struggling mentally on one end to flourishing at the top.


Flourishing represents the pinnacle of good mind health. Classified by a Mind Health Index score greater than 75%. Flourishing individuals do well across a range of mental wellbeing determinants and outcomes.

Getting by

Getting by describes those who may have some areas of good wellbeing but not enough to reach the state of flourishing. Those getting by may experience a dampened sense of wellbeing compared to those who are flourishing.


Languishing represents the absence of positive wellbeing. If you are languishing you are not functioning at full capacity, you may feel unmotivated and struggle to focus. Those who are languishing are at an increased risk of developing mental illness.


The absence of wellbeing in most areas is likely to result in struggling and difficulty. Struggling is associated with emotional distress and psychosocial impairment.

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2024 Mind Health index

Global Index


  • Flourishing
  • Getting by
  • Languishing
  • Struggling

10 Skills as a path to flourishing

Our research suggests that, to flourish, at least eight of the 10 skills are needed. With self acceptance, being the most important skill to flourishing. An individual’s mind health category – flourishing, getting by, languishing and struggling – depends on how many of these skills they have, and how strong they are in each. These are not fixed states - it’s possible to identify the lifestyle changes needed to bring about flourishing mental health.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional quotient, or emotional intelligence, describes a person's ability to understand and manage their emotions. This includes skills such as Self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, social awareness and social skills. A higher EQ can improve lifelong physical and mental health.

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Press Release

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A synopsis of the AXA Mind Health Index

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