Integrated Report 2022

Protection effect - Health

Global healthcare needs are skyrocketing with population aging, the rise in chronic diseases, more prevalent mental disorders, pandemics and other health issues. At the same time, research and innovation are opening up new possibilities. To benefit from them, patients need support. First, because access to healthcare is becoming more difficult in the face of overburdened and complex systems. Next, because health expenses are growing for both society and patients, who need to pay for increasingly high out-of-pocket costs. Finally, because the quality of care remains very uneven from one geographic area to another.

Aware of these issues, AXA has made healthcare a priority of its Driving Progress 2023 strategic plan, with a service-oriented approach and the ambition of going beyond its role as an insurer. To reach a growing number of patients, the Group focuses on both commercial group insurance, bringing quality protection to hundreds of thousands of employees worldwide, and inclusive products, offering widespread access to healthcare.

Leader interview

Gordon Watson, CEO of AXA Asia and Africa

Bringing holistic health into the spotlight

AXA Asia and Africa offers solutions in seven countries and territories in Asia: China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and Thailand. We develop competitive products that truly meet customers’ needs.

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Our actions


Seiji Yasubuchi: AXA Japan: the leader in health at work

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In the field

Olga Sanchez: A vertical strategy: seven health centers in Spain

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And tomorrow?

Clémence Gastaldi: Group health insurance: a powerful tool

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Today at AXA

Karima Silvent: Our employees’ health is a priority

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Do not miss!

Protection effet - Integrated Report 2022
