Ramon Fernandez



Group Chief Financial Officer of CMA CGM

French nationality

Mandate and number of AXA shares

Appointed on April 29, 2021 - Term expires at the 2025 Shareholders' Meeting
First appointment on April 29, 2021
Chairman of the AXA Finance & Risk Committee
Member of the AXA Audit Committee
Number of AXA shares held on December 31, 2023: 7,514

Expertise and experience

Mr. Ramon Fernandez is a graduate of the Institut d’études politiques in Paris (1988) and the École nationale d’administration (1993). He began his career at the French Treasury before joining the International Monetary Fund in Washington (from 1997 to 1999). Returning to the French Treasury, he held various important positions in different areas. He was also Advisor to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry (2002-2003) and to the French President (2007-2008). In 2008, he was appointed Chief of Staff to the Minister of Labour, Social Relations, Family and Solidarity (2008-2009). From 2009 to 2014, he was Chief Executive Officer of the French Treasury, Chairman of the Agence France Trésor and Chairman of the Club de Paris. Mr. Ramon Fernandez joined Orange on September 1, 2014 as Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Directeur Général Adjoint) in charge of Finance and Strategy. From May 2, 2018 to August 31, 2020, he was Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Finance, Performance and Europe. From September 2020 to December 31, 2022, Mr. Ramon Fernandez was Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Finance, Performance and Development. From January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023, Mr. Ramon Fernandez was Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Directeur Général Adjoint). Since April 1st, 2023, Mr. Ramon Fernandez has been Group Chief Financial Officer of CMA CGM.

Mandate held within the AXA Group

  • Director: AXA

Mandates held outside the AXA Group

  • Permanent representative of CMA CGM to the Board of: Air France/KLM
  • Member of the Board of Directors: Fondation nationale des Sciences Politiques, Institut Jean Monnet

Mandates held during the last five years

  • Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Orange
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors: Buyin, Compagnie financière d’Orange Bank, Orange Bank, Orange Ventures
  • Member of the Board of Directors: Euronext (the Netherlands), Heuler Hermes SA, Institut du Capitalisme Responsable, Orange Belgium, Orange Middle East and Africa, Medi Telecom
  • Member of the Supervisory Board: Buyin, Iris Capital Management SAS, Orange Pologne