Discover 2023 Integrated Report
Find out morePioneering social innovation
In a context of demographic transition, evolving demands on companies and reinvention in the insurance business, AXA is bringing its expertise and commitment to protection to its external stakeholders and, above all, its employees. Actively innovating in the workplace since its earliest days, the Group has focused its business model on developing its people, aligning employees’ commitment with its strategic priorities through programs that support them at every moment of their lives. AXA also takes this holistic approach to health and well-being in its global solutions for customers, which cover the entire healthcare journey.
Group Chief Human Resources Officer
The Group is facing two major challenges. The first is attracting and retaining the best talents. The second is developing skills. Our response to these challenges is based on two strategic pillars: Care and Dare.
Innovating to create a holistic healthcare offering
How can we maintain quality of life for a population that is aging faster and living longer? In Hong Kong, 75% of over-65s have a chronic disease such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or cancer
, explains Sally Wan, CEO of AXA Greater China.
Helping over-50s to shine
At AXA France, four generations of employees work together, and 40% are over 50. So, inclusion is strategic for us
, explains Amélie Watelet, Head of Human Resources at AXA France. In 2023, AXA France launched L’Audace n’a pas d’âge (Bold at Any Age), an internal and external awareness campaign that received France’s Grand Prix Diversité et Inclusion award in 2023.
Discover 2023 Integrated Report
Find out moreDriving our growth
Find out moreScaling up our excellence
Find out moreExpanding our commitment to society
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