On February 26, 2025, the Audit Committee was comprised of five members: Isabel Hudson (Chairwoman), Clotilde Delbos, Angelien Kemna, Ramon Fernandez and Ewout Steenbergen.
All members of the Audit Committee were deemed independent by the Board in accordance with the criteria contained in the Afep-Medef Code. In addition to assessing the independence, the Board of Directors reviewed the qualifications of all Audit Committee members in terms of their financial expertise and/or accounting, and business experience and believes all members have the requisite expertise, experience and qualifications to fulfil their assignments as Audit Committee members.
Main responsibilities
The main missions of the Committee are to:
- monitor the financial reporting process and the integrity of the publicly reported results and disclosures made in the financial statements;
- monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control and risk management frameworks for both AXA SA and the Group;
- form an opinion on the effectiveness, performance and independence of the Group's internal auditors;
- consider the appointment and oversee the process for selecting Statutory Auditors, monitor the Statutory Auditors' audits and review of the Group's consolidated financial statements, as well as the auditors' independence and the breakdown of their fees and make recommendations to the Board as to the appointment of Statutory Auditors to provide non-audit services;
- consider and make a recommendation to the Board regarding the appointment, reappointment, dismissal or resignation of the independent third-party(ies) responsible for providing assurance on the Group’s sustainability reporting;
- monitor the process for preparation of the Group’s extra-financial information, and review the extra-financial performance statement (déclaration de performance extra-financière) included in the Universal Registration Document as well as any other similar extra-financial report which may require Board approval pursuant to applicable regulations;
- review the documents required under the Solvency II regulations, including written policies for AXA SA and the Group and, jointly with the Finance & Risk Committee, both AXA SA and the Group’s ORSA reports as well as any other report which may require Board approval pursuant to Solvency II regulations.