For an insurer, respect for the client includes the quality of transparent and accurate information provided, as well as a duty to provide sound advice and guarantee confidentiality at all times, fair treatment for all, and honest advertising messages.
For an insurer, respect for the client includes the quality of transparent and accurate information provided, as well as a duty to provide sound advice and guarantee confidentiality at all times, fair treatment for all, and honest advertising messages.
AXA's local entities adhere to the professional code of conduct in force in the country where they operate.
In order to harmonize the ethical practices governing AXA's client relationships around the world, a professional code of ethics has been drawn up at Group level. In addition to the national and international regulations that AXA subsidiaries are subject to, AXA's Compliance and Ethics Code is based on the following fundamental principles for their customer relations: quality advice, transparency, non-disclosure of confidential client information, fair competition, and fighting fraud and money laundering.
AXA entities also provide their customers with the means to express and resolve any disputes that may arise with the company, notably through dedicated complaints departments.
AXA entities across the globe have implemented customer experience monitoring tools to capture valuable feedback from our clients. These insights are leveraged to ensure continuous improvements in the experience we deliver to customers.
AXA measures customer sentiment using Net Promoter Score® (NPS). Results are benchmarked against those of local competitors to optimize our efforts to remain the preferred company of our 107 million clients worldwide. In 2017, 66% of entities and lines of business at or above the market, in 2018, they were 54% with a target of 66% for 2018
We have set a clear objective: by 2020, 100% of AXA’s entities participating in the NPS benchmark program will be at or above market average. This indicator has also been integrated in the Group's executive remuneration package.