June 27, 2016

AXA proud sponsor and host of the 2016 Disability Matters Conference

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AXA is proud to have hosted Springboard’s 2016 Disability Matters Conference at its headquarters in Paris. By renewing its commitment to all of its employees, both present and future, the Group strives to create a culture of inclusion for people with disabilities.

In order to reach a sustainable business success, AXA wants to attract and retain the best diverse talents. By hosting the DM Conference, the Group moves towards an inclusive working environment that embraces all talents. In 2014, AXA joined the Global Business and Disability Network of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and also formalized its commitment for people facing disabilities by signing the ILO Charter in October 2015. In turn, AXA has developed outreach programs in partnership with universities and associations, to promote engagement and retention of employees facing a disability. All these initiatives contribute to fostering a working environment where all employees feel fully involved and can act as true stakeholders in the strategy and all the while being themselves.

In the workplace, people can find it hard to share some aspects of themselves and might not easily ask for help and support. That is why everyone has a role to play in starting the conversation about disability, both visible and invisible, to create an environment that is truly inclusive and where everyone feels that they can be themselves.

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