Here are detailed all the significant changes in ownership of the Company's share capital
Information on the number of voting rights and shares making up the share capital pursuant to Article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers) General Regulations. Archives available here.
As of December 5, 2024, the share capital of the Company amounts to €5,068,873,500.62 and is divided into 2,213,481,878 fully paid-up shares.
To the best of the Company’s knowledge, the table below summarizes the ownership of its issued outstanding ordinary shares and related voting rights on December 31, 2023:
--- | Number of shares | Capital ownership | Voting rights(a) |
Mutuelles AXA(b) | 355,307,687 | 15.65% | 26.02% |
Employees and agents | 98,554,259 | 4.34% | 6.16% |
Treasury shares held directly by the Company | 43,984,687 | 1.94% | (1.61%)(c) |
Treasury shares held by Company subsidiaries(d) | 7,148 | 0.00% | (0.00%)(c) |
General public | 1,772,335,025 | 78.07% | 66.21% |
Total | 2,270,188,806(e) | 100% | 100% |
(a) In this table, voting rights’ percentages are calculated on the basis that all outstanding ordinary shares are entitled to voting rights, notwithstanding the fact that certain of these shares may be deprived of voting rights by law or otherwise (for example, treasury shares are deprived of voting rights under French law). (b) AXA Assurances IARD Mutuelle (12.85% of capital ownership and 21.36% of voting rights) and AXA Assurances Vie Mutuelle (2.80% of capital ownership and 4.66% of voting rights). (c) These shares will be entitled to vote when they cease to be treasury shares (e.g. upon their sale or other transfer to an unaff iliated third party). (d) Treasury shares as indicated in Note 11 “Shareholders’ equity and minority interests” in Part 6 - “Consolidated Financial Statements” of this Annual Report. (e) Source: Euronext Notice of January 3, 2024.