Transactions on own shares
Liquidity contract
AXA announces the termination, as of February 18, 2011, of the liquidity contract initially entered into on May 16, 2005 with Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux.
On this termination date, the following resources were booked to the liquidity account:
- 2,000,000 AXA shares
- €83,254,389.35
It should be noted that on the date the contract was entered into, i.e. May 16, 2005, the following resources were booked to the liquidity account:
- 0 AXA share
- €120,000,000
Six-month report on AXA's liquidity contract
As per the liquidity contract, which AXA entered into with CA Cheuvreux company, at December 31, 2010 the following resources were booked to the liquidity account:
Note that the most recent prior report on the situation at June 30, 2010, showed the following liquidity account resources: