AXA’s Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021 will be held without the shareholders being physically present - Conditions for availability or consultation of information relating to AXA’s Shareholders’ Meeting


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March 24, 2021

published at 9:00 AM CET

AXA announces that, given the persistence of the sanitary crisis and in accordance with the legal measures and the French Government’s actions to slow the spread of the virus, the Chief Executive Officer, upon delegation of the AXA Board of Directors, decided to hold AXA’s Shareholders’ Meeting without its shareholders (or any authorized person) being physically present. The Shareholders’ Meeting will be held on April 29, 2021 at 2.30 pm, at Smart Studio Rive Gauche 2, 85 quai André Citroën, 75015 Paris.

Thomas Buberl

Chief Executive Officer of AXA

We regret not being able to physically welcome our shareholders this year for our Shareholders’ Meeting, however, since the beginning of the sanitary crisis, our priority has always been to guarantee everyone’s safety. To preserve this important moment of shareholder democracy, we put in place a special tool allowing our shareholders to exercise their rights and dialogue with AXA’s Board of Directors and Management.

We invite you to vote by correspondence or by giving power to the Chairman of the Meeting. In order to do so, you can:

  • vote through the secured website VOTACCESS until Wednesday April 28, 2021 at 3 pm; or
  • return by mail your voting form duly completed and signed by Monday April 26, 2021.

You can also ask written questions before the Meeting. These questions can notably be sent by email until the second business day prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting, i.e. on Tuesday April 27, 2021, to the following address:

These written questions must be accompanied by a certificate of registration of the shares in the registered share securities accounts of the Company or in the securities accounts of your custodian as provided for in Article L.211-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code monétaire et financier).

You will also have the opportunity to ask your questions directly during the Shareholders’ Meeting.

The Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021 will be fully broadcasted in video, live and in replay, on the Company’s website ( All the information required to access the Meeting, ask your questions during the Meeting and any other useful information will be communicated on the page dedicated to the 2021 Shareholders’ Meeting on the Company’s website ( / Investors / Individual Shareholders / Shareholders’ Meetings) on a regular basis.

For further information on the reasons for holding the Shareholders' Meeting without the shareholders (or any authorized person) being physically present, the conditions under which shareholders will be able to exercise all of their rights at the Shareholders' Meeting, and information otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations, please refer to the convocation notice published in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires on March 24, 2021 (announcement No. 2100647).

Conditions for availability or consultation of information relating to AXA’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2021

The shareholders’ Notice of Meeting, including among other items the agenda, the resolutions submitted by the Board of Directors and the conditions for participation and exercise of voting rights, can be found on AXA’s website at the following address: under the Investors / Individual Shareholders / Shareholders' Meetings section.

The information referred to in Article R.225-83 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce) is included in the shareholders’ Notice of Meeting and in the 2020 Universal Registration Document, also available on AXA’s website at the following address: under the Investors / Earnings and reports / Annual and Interim Reports section.

In accordance with applicable regulations, the other documents and information regarding the Shareholders’ Meeting will be made available to the shareholders at the administrative office of the Company (Tour Majunga – 6 place de la Pyramide – 92908 Paris la Défense).


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