Press Release
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February 25, 2022
published at 10:00 AM CET
AXA announces the publication in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires (BALO) of the resolutions to be proposed by its Board of Directors to the next Shareholders’ Meeting of April 28, 2022, which will be held Salle Pleyel in Paris (75008) at 2.30 pm.
In addition to the payment of a dividend per share of Euro 1.54*, shareholders will notably be asked to approve the following resolutions:
Denis Duverne
Chairman of the Board of Directors of AXA (2016-2022)
On behalf of AXA’s Board of Directors, I would like to address our warmest thanks to Mrs. Patricia Barbizet for her contribution to the Board and the Compensation & Governance Committee’s work over the last four years and more specifically for her key role in the selection process of the next Chairman of the Board.
Investor Relations team
Axa Media Relations