Martin Powell
Head of Sustainability of AXA
“On the road to a climate transition plan”
Antoine Denoix and Sébastien Nunes
Chief Executive Officer of AXA Climate & President of Climate Seed
AXA Climate and ClimateSeed join forces to accelerate decarbonization and adaptation to climate change
Helen Browne
Group General Counsel
"Employee shareholding is an integral part of the AXA culture and a way to share the value created by the Group"
Françoise Gilles
Chief Risk Officer and member of AXA Management Committee
"Our Risk Management Department plays a key role in the Group's strategy, as we strive to foster a "common risk culture"
Ulrike Decoene
AXA Head of Communications, Brand & Sustainability
"A new dimension is opening up with the decarbonization of insurance portfolios"