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Finance & Risk Committee

Composition and main responsibilities


On February 26, 2025, the Finance & Risk Committee was comprised of six members: Ramon Fernandez (Chairman), Clotilde Delbos, Gérald Harlin, Isabel Hudson, Ramon de Oliveira and Ewout Steenbergen.

Four of these members were determined independent by the Board in accordance with the criteria set forth in the Afep-Medef Code.

Main responsibilities

The main missions of the Committees are:

  • to examine and issue an opinion on any plan to dispose of ownership interests held by the Company, or any acquisition or strategic partnership, whatever form they may take, when their immediate or deferred value exceeds the €500 million threshold;
  • to examine and issue an opinion on any sureties, guarantees, endorsements and warrantees in favor of third parties which exceed the delegations of power granted to the Chief Executive Officer by the Board of Directors;
  • to examine and issue an opinion on any of the following:
    - securities issuances giving a claim, whether directly or indirectly, to the Company’s share capital,
    - share repurchase programs proposed to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting,
    - financing transactions that could substantially change the Company’s financial structure;
  • to review any subject relating to the financial management of the AXA Group including:
    - the policy on financial risk management,
    - the liquidity and financing of the Group,
    - solvency and capital management,
    - the responsible investment policy, its implementation and its impact on the Group investment portfolio and plans;
  • to examine the impact of the main orientations and limits of Asset Liability Management policy on the Group’s capital and solvency;
  • to review the Group’s risk appetite framework developed by the Executive Management for financial, extra-financial, (re)insurance and operational exposures;
  • to review AXA SA’s risk strategy and appetite and overall risk tolerance limits (including the reinsurance risk);
  • jointly with the Audit Committee, review both AXA SA’s and the Group’s ORSA reports, as well as any report which may require Board approval pursuant to Solvency II regulations.